Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Content Creation, Visibility, and Marketing Roadblocks

In this episode of Content with Character, we get into three things that hold many business owners back from content creation, visibility, and marketing themselves.

We talk about perfectionism, time management/organization, and a lack of inspiration or ideas as they relate to your marketing AND how to overcome these things to move forward.

Make this the year you STOP holding yourself back in content creation!

In this episode: 

  • How perfectionism can hold you back in content creation and marketing 
  • How time management and overcommitment can hold you back in your visibility efforts 
  • What to do when you lack inspiration or ideas 
  • And more! 
Are You Holding Yourself Back with Perfectionism? 

We’ve been told time and time again that perfect doesn’t exist but it’s highly likely that you have some version of perfection you’re aiming for, somewhere in your life. 

When it comes to content, marketing, visibility, what you say, how you say it, dealing with other humans… there really isn’t a perfect. 

Yet, we still find ourselves in a cycle of holding ourselves back because we’re overthinking, overediting, editing again, refinding again, and waiting until conditions are “just so” to act. 

Here’s what Instagram influencer/content creator, Mahdi Woodard has to say about it: 


“You’re editing in Canva. They’re posting. 

You’re second-guessing yourself. They’re posting. 

You keep changing your outfit. They’re posting. 

Your audience doesn’t need you to be perfect. They need you to be present.” – @MahdiWoodard

Your people want you to be YOU. They want you to be present, attentive, and REAL. Let’s stop holding ourselves back by thinking it needs to be perfect to hit publish.

Perfect is a stop sign. Publish is a green light. 

Are You Holding Yourself Back with Poor Time Management? 

“When considering your commitments and what you do with your time Are you building a castle, or are you building a prison?” – Unknown

Poor time management might be from too many commitments and a too-full plate. If you feel overcommitted, check out my episode Four Questions to Ask Before Taking on a Project or my Stop Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall episode and ask yourself if it ALL needs to be there. Is it stuff that’s important to you? To your business? Things you want to be known for? Things you want to be referred for? Does it all have to be done by YOU?

If you struggle to manage time, let’s please talk about this because I have tons of tips and tools for helping with setting aside time for content creation and not making it overly complicated and time-consuming in the first place.

Is a lack of inspiration or ideas holding you back? 

I did an entire podcast episode and blog on this with 11 ways to spark creativity.

For those in business awhile, maybe you just feel like you’re tired and out of ideas. Maybe you struggle to generate fresh and engaging content! It might be time to ask yourself if you’re still excited about what you’re doing and creating. Are you still into this?  

If you are still excited, you just can’t come up with ideas or inspiration, here are three solutions:

1) Let’s talk because I can help you go from trickling faucet to firehose of ideas in no time.

2) What’s lit you up to talk about in the past? Can you go back into the archives and bring NEW life to what you might consider an old idea?

3) Go do some digging on your website because I guarantee you I can find you about a month’s worth of ideas right on your website! From your home page, to your about page, to your products and services. 

Sometimes it’s not actually a lack of ideas or inspiration, that’s a byproduct/symptom of procrastination -not sitting down and doing it. Not putting a pen to paper, not getting started in the first place! I find that ideas beget more ideas, motivation and inspiration beget more motivation and inspiration. Content begets more content. 

Are You Holding Yourself Back With:  


Time management and organization? 

Lack of inspiration or ideas? 

Do you relate to any of these? 

Links Mentioned (in order of appearance):
Mahdi Woodard’s Instagram post on perfectionism
Content with Character Episode: Four Questions to Ask Before Taking on a Project
Content with Character Episode: Stop Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall
Lisa Zawrotny’s Positively Living Episode with Kylie Ota on How to Figure Out your Planning Style
Content with Character Episode: Creative Dry Spells – ideas to spark creativity and inspiration
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About Me, Your Host Emily Aborn 

  • I’m a content copywriter who helps women entrepreneurs bring their messages to LIFE on their websites and blogs! 
  • Podcast host of Content with Character and She Built This 
  • Dogmom, wife, auntie, sister, daughter, friend, and the tall one in the back of every photo! 
  • Blanket-skirt-wearing, puzzle-loving, sock-obsessed lady living in the backwoods of New Hampshire! 





She Built This Podcast