5 choices to make in your marketing and messaging
Seems nowadays everyone’s got an opinion on your marketing and messaging, don’t they!?
Some say do this.
Others say do that.
If you spend any time online or on social media, you’ll see a lot of definite lines drawn in the sand, all of which say polar opposite things you “should” be doing in your marketing and messaging.
It can be confusing when it comes to choosing THIS or THAT in various aspects of our businesses, marketing, and messaging.
How do you make sense of all the noise and figure out what THIS or THAT is right for YOU?
THIS episode will help you do exactly THAT.
I’ll get into:
- Defining a niche vs. not
- Planning your content or letting it RIP!
- Crafting an elevator pitch, or speaking off the cuff
- Short content vs. long content
- Throwaway / garbage content or fine-tuned?
BIG thanks to this week’s episode idea-generators:
Tim Shank, Melissa Snow, Jessica Terzakis, Lior Sadeh, Krista Hernandez, and Ariana Refsdal
MASSIVE thanks to our sharers of the week: Lisa Zawrotny of the Positively Living Podcast and Doug Sandler of the Nice Guys on Business Podcast
Resources and Links Mentioned:
- The Marketing Momentum Lab – Starts Monday, September 25th 2023
- Content with Character Episode Which Social Media Platform is Right For Your Business?
- Content with Character Episode Three Reasons Your Social Media Might Not Be “Working” (and what to do about it!)
- Content with Character Episode How to Talk About Yourself (podcast guesting, speaking engagements, networking, and more!)
- Simone Seol – Garbage Post Challenge
About the Host (Contact Me!)
Hello! I’m Emily Aborn, I’m a Content Copywriter, host of Content with Character, as well as the She Built This podcast. I’m a question-asker, New Hampshire lover (except in the winter), wife, dog mom, auntie, friend, sister, cousin, sister-in-law, and word game nerd…. I’m sure there are more labels, but we’ll stop there. I’m on a mission to be more ME and show you how to be more YOU in your marketing and messaging.
Email: emily@emilyaborn.com
She Built This Podcast
Emily Aborn is a Content Copywriter for women entrepreneurs, Podcast Host of Content with Character and She Built This. She’s been an entrepreneur since 2014 and has experience in running brick-and-mortar as well as online businesses. She’s worked with over 98 different industries in their marketing and loves helping businesses increase their visibility, connect with their clients, and bring their dreams and visions to life. For fun, Emily enjoys nerdy word games and puzzles, reading, listening to podcasts, and tromping about in the woods with her husband, Jason, and their dog, Clyde.