What to Do When Your Business is Slow

(Risky Business Podcast Series: Part 2) 🎃

Quite a few entrepreneurs I’ve spoken with lately have shared with me that their businesses have experienced a serious slowdown this year. 

Some of the things that cause the speedbumps in our business are outside of our control, and some of them require us to honestly review and reconnect with the heartbeat of our businesses to help them move forward and pick up momentum. 

This episode will walk you through eight super tangible things you can do when your business experiences a slowdown to help you keep from spinning your wheels AND help to reignite the spark! 

I cover: 

  • What the entrepreneurial landscape is missing right now
  • Factors outside of our control that impact our business/clients
  • Eight ideas for when your business is slow -everything from an honest marketing review to giving yourself a brain break! 
  • How to embrace business slowdowns by recognizing what they are
  • And more! 

Resources Mentioned:
Booking a Strategy call with ME!
Content with Character Episode on ‘Taking Inventory’
SCORE Conference for Women in Kensington, NH October 20th
Leslie Sturgeon’s Roundtables of Inspiration event in Manchester, NH October 18th
Simone Seol’s post on Instagram I referred to in the episode
BLOG on this topic 

About the Host:

I’m Emily Aborn, I’m a Content Copywriter, host of Content with Character, as well as the She Built This podcast. I’m dog mom to Mr. Clyde and wife to my favorite person in the whole world, Jason. Our little family lives in the backwoods of New Hampshire where we spend time hiking and investigating fungi in the woods, reading, and sitting on the back porch (when it’s not snowing) doing crosswords, word games, and drinking coffee.  

Email: emily@emilyaborn.com