Tools & Affiliates

Writing books, collaborations, and resources!

As entrepreneurs, we need all the tools and little breadcrumb hints we can get!

Here are things I've found helpful (or just plain old enjoyable) on my journey.

Disclaimers and additional info: 
  1. This is not at all a thorough list. I plan to add to, take away from, and update as I see fit. I just had the idea one day to create this page and here we are. If you’re looking for podcasts specifically, check out my blog HERE on the top podcasts for women entrepreneurs
  2. Some of the links below are affiliate links! I need to disclaim that up front for legal purposes, as I do receive a small commission off the affiliate links. Please use the links below, because in most instances, it’s a triple-win (you save, I get a little cash, and the person you bought it from does too). I like triple-wins. 
  3. I can’t be held liable or responsible for your experience with any of these things. I’m sharing about what I liked something and that does not always translate to how you will experience it. 
Disclaimer over. 


Visibility for speakers and podcasters


Sharing ALL my book recommendations would take pages upon pages on the internet. Here are a few I love for writing and creating (some not pictured): 

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Bird by Bird by Anne Lammott

The Power of Fun by Catherine Price

On Writing by Stephen King

The Art of Slow Writing by Louise DeSalvo

The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron 

Murder Your Darlings by Peter Roy Clark 

(I personally read LOTS of fiction these days -if you ever wanna’ talk shop and exchange some of our favorite fiction and non-fiction titles – email me HERE) 

A pile of books I've read over the years that I think are great entrepreneurial resources for creatives.


RDW Design Studio

WordPress Website Designer for Interior Designers, Robyn White's specialty is delivering high-end websites for brands making an imprint with luxury. See samples of our work together and inquire with Robyn on her website:

Caffeine Creative

Teresa Schlup is a WordPress & Squarespace Website Designer for service-based entrepreneurs and business owners taking it to the next level. See samples of our work together and inquire with Teresa on her website:

Inspired Website Design

Want a website you can easily update and add to down the road? Alethea Copelas of Inspired Website Design provides stunning websites for women-owned businesses ready to start seeing results from Home Page to Contact Form! See samples of our work together and inquire with Alethea at:

Jenny B Designs Creative Studio

Boston-Based Web Developer, Jenny Belanger crafts custom WordPress websites for brands ready to stand out online. With strategy and creativity, Jenny knows what goes into a converting website. See samples of our work together and inquire with Jenny on her website:

Cheetah Design Studios

Your one-stop shop for marketing assistance, website design, local (to NH) brand photography, and more! Lindsey Masterson of Cheetah Design Studio designs WordPress websites that are quick, efficient, and clearly express your message. See samples of our work together and inquire with Lindsey at her website:

Chantelle Davis Gray

Squarespace Website Design with intention, strategy, and support, Chantelle designs for only ONE client at a time which means she can get your new website launched within 2-3 weeks of contacting her! Go from having a website that’s “just ok” to having a website that looks fantastic, works flawlessly, and actually helps get you the results you’re looking for: (samples of our work coming SOON!)